In 2013 a handful of parents got together to form a school garden. We presented the idea to each class and over a hundred pupils joined our group.
We now have four vegetable beds, a compost heap, water supply and our very own scarecrow. The children love garden group. They learn how to plant and harvest their own veggies. They reuse the waste produced by the garden and experience the important role water and weather has in growing their own food. Highlights have been shared meals of broccoli in cheese sauce, mashed and fried potatoes, salads and making the school scarecrow.
Many individuals and business have helped to make this all possible. We would not exist without the support of the school, donations from Home and School and the wonderful skills and generosity of our staff members and parent help.
We are always keen to hear form any member of the community who would like to help with gardening workshops, working bees or donations of anything garden related.
We look forward to sharing our Garden Group with you.
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